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Major Water Project

Over 150 families living in mountain area in KPK region desperately required water.


Each family had to travel over 5km to a local stream with buckets and then fill up with dirty water from the stream and then travel back to their houses with water filled buckets across extremely hard terrain.


Taqwa welfare organization arranged for a filtration system to be installed. We spoke to the locals and respectively we were donated some land in a local village who all could easily access.


Normal bore holes drilling is approx. between 70 to 150ft deep to gain access to water.


As this was a mountain area where the rock was hundreds of feet deep, we arranged specialist equipment to get upto the local village which in turn was extremely dangerous as there were no built roads and the lorries and equipment had to be moved across narrow mountain roads.


Once the equipment had arrived to the destination point, we arranged drilling of the water bore holes. Taqwa welfare foundation managed to hit water through dense stone at just over 700ft.


After which a motorized, solar powered filtration system and pump was installed for locals to gain access to the water through 5 taps that were installed.


Over 100 families came out once the project was complete in celebration.

Index House is a not for profit development. All proceeds go to a range of charitable projects around the world dictated by Zakat Trust Account holders. To read more about our charities click here.

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